Wednesday 23 January 2013

The Unexpected: Narrative

 My narrative follows a family that consists of two parents and three children. The children include the teenage daughter Kirsty, around 16 to 17 years old, then a slightly younger daughter name Daisy, around 8 years old, and then the younger brother called Ben, who is 7 years old and also has a speech impediment where he is unable to talk. The family had lived in a suburban house in the outskirts of the US city Chicago. However, an incident happened with their youngest child, Ben, where he was involved in the death of his and Daisy's elderly babysitter, Mrs Jefferson. One night Ben and Daisy are dropped off at the babysitters house when their parents have gone out and their older sister is at a party. Ben  makes it obvious to his parents that he doesn't like Mrs Jefferson before they are dropped off but Daisy tells her parent's that she really likes Mrs Jefferson. When they are at Mrs Jefferson's house both Ben and Daisy play a board game with her. We see that Daisy is really enjoying herself and gets along with Mrs Jefferson, but Ben refuses to play. Daisy then walks of to the toilet upstairs but on her way there she see's a bedroom door open into what looks like a child's room, which we see is Mrs Jefferson's son that died at a young age and we see this from old photographs and newspaper articles. She finds a teddy lying on the bed and we see that Daisy gets some strange connection with the teddy and this is how she becomes possessed. She walks down the stairs where she finds that Mrs Jefferson is at the top of the basement about to walk down because Ben has run down there in a form of protest. When she walks down, Daisy (now being possessed) breaks one of the steps so Mrs Jefferson falls down the stairs and ultimately dies as a result. When the parents return, Ben obviously gets the blame because of his negative attitude towards Mrs Jefferson and the fact that he was at the bottom of the stairs.
This all happens in the form of flash-backs throughout the film, and so at the start of the film the audience believe that it is Ben that has caused them to move, hence the unexpected. The film begins with the family on their way to their new home in the small country village of Cobden as the parents felt that it was a good idea to give the kids a new start. We see that Daisy has taken the teddy with her. Throughout the film the family witnesses strange paranormal happenings in their new home, the audience is led to believe it is Ben that causes these paranormal event. However, through the form of short flashbacks to the event where Daisy kills Mrs Jefferson, the audience slowly finds out that it is Daisy that is the possessed one. The finale of the film ends in the teenage daughter, Kirsty, finding out that Daisy had caused the death of Mrs Jefferson and eventually that it is the teddy that causes the paranormal activities. In the end Daisy kills the parents.

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