Wednesday 12 December 2012

Photo Manipulation 2

This is the original image that I used before editing. I thought that this kind of shot would relate to horror firstly because I made it look like it was a POV shot which is used quite often in horror films because it puts the audience in the position of the character. I also made sure it was completely dark behind the door so that it would look like it was at night and to relate to the fear of the unknown which is used in horror films.

The first step I took was to decrease the saturation of the image. I did this because I thought the image was slightly too colourful for a horror film and a desaturated effect would be quite conventional of a horror poster/film, like the Sinister poster that I researched.

I then used the levels tool to increase the 'shadows' of the image. What this does is makes the darker shades of the image darker and deeper. Without knowing, doing this also intensified the dirt marks on the door which, from researching horror posters, is and effect that is often used where there is a grungy/dirty effect.

The next step that I took was to crop the image to make it more widescreen. I did this to make it look more like the image was from someone's POV instead of just a photo.

Next I wanted to create some noise in the image. This would create more of a texture on image, similar to how I used the tree bark when editing the image of the house. The noise would also make the image appear as if it was filmed on a handheld camera, this again reassures the audience that the image is take from someone's POV. This could be similar to the found-footage type films like 'The Blair Witch Project' and 'Paranormal Activity'. To do this I went to Filter > Noise > Add Noise... as seen above.

In the screenshot above, you can see me increasing the amount of noise in the image using the slider. I did not use too much noise because I thought that this would make the image look amateur and unrealistic.

This is the final edited image. 

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